My daughter Elle recently celebrated her first birthday. Checks for college funds, adorable clothes, noisy toys (she loves), a soccer ball and a super stylish swimsuit were among the gifts she received.  But the tea set from one of her BFFs  (whose mommy happens to know a thing or two about etiquette being a deb from Houston) was our favorite.  I believe all young ladies should host tea parties for their stuffed friends.  Doing so teaches grace and generosity, vital ingredients to being a social success.   Of course little Elle Bell took to it like a fish to water, tiaras in tow.   Plus, tea sets don’t make annoying noises and they don’t require (rechargeable) batteries.

But what was unique about this tea set and the reason we loved it so much was that it is green, made from 100% recycled, plastic, milk bottles retrieved from curbside collection.  The back of the recycled cardboard packaging gives a little information about how much energy green toys can save. In this case it’s equal to using 3,000 AAA batteries or enough energy to power a TV for 3 weeks or run a lap top for a month.  This set also contains no BPA, phthalates or lead paint.  Just a box of good ole’ fashioned, girly fun- and best of all- made in the USA.  You can find one at