Barry Katz was kind enough to send me a copy of his new book. Being a recently selected as a member of the ASID National Sustainable Council, one of our first assignments was to update the bibliography. The book couldn’t have arrived at a better time. Practical Green Remodeling extensively covers areas like insulation, ventilation and alternative energy systems. Filled with plenty of eye candy and pictures of Americana style homes, it’s easy (and fun) to read in an afternoon. If you’re just beginning your journey to the green side of home remodeling, get up to speed quickly with this power trio: Green Interior Design by Lori Dennis, Practical Green Remodeling by Barry Katz and REGREEN, a joint effort of ASID and the USGBC. You’ll gain a vocabulary and grasp of the industry that would make Ed Begley Jr. proud.
Green Remodeling Review
by Lori | Nov 21, 2010 | Architecture and Design, Books, Green Building, Green Living, Interior Designers