Let’s play a game of Would You Rather.

Would you rather have a room with this:

or this…

The Instant Can Converter is one of my latest fan favorites.  Have you seen this?  It’s a simple kit that can bring instant style and charm to your home without a lot of electrical work and expense.

Now you won’t have to look like a goblin with the down lights casting shadows on your face.  Isn’t that lovely?

 It’s as easy as changing a light bulb!

You can find these kits at Amazon, Lowe’s or Home Depot.  Even better – catalogs are selling the kits along with the pendant light so it’s a one-stop-shop, thank you very much!

I first found these instant light adapters with pendants through Home Decorators, but others like Ballard Designs have them too.


It’s not always easy to vary the lighting within a room but now we have help.  Don’t you love it when little things like this make life easy?

So can your cans and upgrade your space to something that’s truly beautiful!