Million Trees LA

I was excited to read about LA’s latest landscaping partnership.LADWP (LA Department of Water and Power) and Million Trees LA are teaming up this month in an effort to get more water-wise trees into our Angeleno soil.Million Trees LA will donate up to 7 free trees...

And Walmart Joins the Party

Unless you lived under a rock, you know replacing incandescent bulbs with fluorescent bulbs helps to save energy.  Now Walmart has jumped on board with this helpful tip and a few others in their latest TV campaign.  It’s a major turn in events when you think...

New Guidelines Make It Easier To Go Green

Before After Green living is about the whole enchilada. It’s about doing a lot of little things, and maybe even a few big ones, that improve our lives, the environment and our economy. Our homes play a crucial role in the equation. New-home buyers are finding an...