Backsplash Tile Style: 6 Stylish Tiles To Use In Your Home Makeover

Backsplash Tile Style: 6 Stylish Tiles To Use In Your Home Makeover

If you want to get creative with your home renovation, flooring and backsplash tile is a great place to start. Whether it’s taking up a lot of surface area as a backsplash or flooring, or merely an accent, framing a walkway or fireplace, choosing the right tile is SO...
The Future of Design: Trending Towards Sustainable Design

The Future of Design: Trending Towards Sustainable Design

What Does the Future of Design Look Like? Fully-immersive, hands-on experiences like Virtual Reality and 3D-printing are making design much more accessible. As the general public becomes more sophisticated in their aesthetic preferences and understanding of the...
Why is My Home Renovation Taking So Long?!

Why is My Home Renovation Taking So Long?!

The Design Process: How much Time Do I Need for a Home Renovation? The time required to renovate your home is contingent upon a lot of different factors:  the size of the space, how long of a time you take to feel comfortable with the design, and how intensive is your...