Last night the alluring Lloyd Princeton of DMC and artist Chris Martin invited a select group to view and dine. Among the who’s who were Michael Wollaeger our beloved Editor At Large for Luxe Magazine, vinter Caren Rideau of Rideau Vineyard and Hillary Atkin of the Atkin Report. I was so excited to meet Chris and learn about his colorful creations. We have a great big project to fill up on Blue Jay Way and timing is everything! Scrumptious treats were provided by Susan Feniger’s Street and the boutique vineyard Rideau served some of the smoothest Sangiovese I’ve had since the Portland Wine Festival. Everyone in the intimate gathering had a fabulous time. I was particularly thrilled with the fact the group of 20 or so WALKED from the gallery on Robertson to Chris’ lair a few blocks away. It was so very unLA and so very green!

Rideau Vineyard Partners and Mrs. Chris Martin
This picture on Chris’ wall was poignant, since we’ve been contemplating a move to Miami. Have you heard about the arbitrary, additional 10% state tax that California has just attacked its citizens’ paychecks with– begining Monday? I’m not sure what kind of monkey business is going on when the seventh largest economy, with agriculture, technology, oil and entertainment can’t balance its checkbook. But it’s frightening to think taxes can be levied in such a stealth manner. I’m just sayin’.
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