by Lori | Oct 31, 2019 | Architecture and Design, Blogs, Events, Furniture, Green Building, Green Living, Interior Design Trends, Outdoor Living, Outdoor Living Rooms
Let’s chat outdoor furniture! We know the seasons are getting chillier, but we still have our endless Summer in SoCal and love to spend as much time outdoors as possible. On The Design Bloggers Tour around High Point Market, Esteem Media took us through the best...
by Lori | Oct 25, 2019 | Accesories, Architecture and Design, Blogs, Events, Free Interior Design Advice, Furniture, Green Building, Green Living, Interior Design Trends, Interior Designers
We’re always on the look-out for vendors with a great sustainable story. And this year, at High Point Market, we discovered some new favorites that fit the bill, like Windy O’Connor and Blue Print Collection. We also fell in love all over again with some of our...
by Lori | Jan 16, 2015 | Accesories, Architecture and Design, Artists and Galleries, Design Camp, Events, Furniture, interior design education, interior design education, Interior Design Trends, Interior Designers, Lectures, Lighting, Outdoor Living, Parties
We were heating up Hotlanta this past week for Design Campus Live Atlanta! Filming at Jaipur Rugs among the most beautiful collections of new pillows. I was in heaven! Design Campus Live Atlanta was HOT! Not so much the weather, but definitely the...
by Lori | Oct 21, 2013 | Architecture and Design, Artists and Galleries, Books, Design Camp, Events, interior design education, interior design education, Interior Design Trends, Interior Designers, Lectures, Magazines, Parties, Press, Public Speaking, Who's Who
I’m still buzzing from Design Camp Orange County at the Laguna Design Center! Each and every camp I learn something new and am filled with a fresh spark of enthusiasm. This was our biggest and best camp yet (164!) and we’re so grateful to everyone who...
by Lori | May 14, 2013 | Architecture and Design, Books, Charities, Design Camp, Events, interior design education, interior design education, Interior Design Trends, Interior Designers, Kitchens, Lectures, Outdoor Living Rooms, Parties, Press, Public Speaking
Design Camp Seattle brought together over 120 of the top interior designers in North America. Camp Counselors Lori and Kelli made sure the stage was set and got the troops on the bus! First stop:Sub Zero Wolf Kicked off camp with a party on Wednesday night....