by Lori | Oct 17, 2012 | Architecture and Design, Design Camp, Events, interior design education, Interior Design Trends, Interior Designers, Who's Who
Whether it’s the uber exclusive Hearst party (Veranda, Elle Decor, House Beautiful) on the first night of High Point Market, a glitterati dinner at Proximity’s Print Works Bistro or on stage at the theater, if you’re looking to spot...
by Lori | Jan 31, 2011 | Accesories, Architecture and Design, Events, Furniture, Interior Designers, Parties, Retailers, Who's Who
Last week Barclay Butera joined design’s uber-elite when he opened his new showroom in the La Cienega Design Quarter- the Champs Elysees of Los Angeles Design. There were swinging tunes, cocktails and canapés as Butera played host to a bevy of A-listers who...
by Lori | Aug 26, 2010 | Architecture and Design, Interior Designers, Lectures, Public Speaking, Tag Technology
Paige Rense gave us a going away present in the latest issue of Architectural Digest. Designers’ Own Homes- it seems like every other issue covers this topic, but this time there was a little something extra on select designer’s pages. A Matrix looking ... by Lori | Dec 28, 2009 | Who's Who
Lately I’ve been doing a lot of market research for our new retail shop and discovered who ranks where in the Los Angeles interior design world (based on keyword searches, recent publications and blog/website mentions). Being number four never felt so good. 1....