by Lori | Nov 9, 2010 | Architecture and Design, Books, Events, Furniture, Green Living, Interior Designers, Uncategorized
Today we have a special treat, guest blogger Jennifer Sergent. You may know Jennifer from her former positions as senior editor at Washington Spaces and HGTV Magazine. Currently she is the Marketing Director of the Washington DC Design Center and was kind enough to...
by Lori | Oct 26, 2010 | Architecture and Design, Artists and Galleries, Events, Furniture, Green Living, Interior Designers, Lectures, Magazines, Public Speaking
I knew the stakes had been raised at the PDC last Monday night when I walked across the lobby and saw a red carpet with Sharon Osbourne and no less than 20 cameras flashing their bulbs. It was Marty’s big night, DESIGNER OF THE YEAR, hosted by the PDC and...
by Lori | Oct 12, 2010 | Architecture and Design, Green Living
This Sunday I did something I haven’t done since I was an undergrad (back in the days when the first Wall Street movie was in theaters), I walked the UCLA campus from top to bottom. Having had our fill of noisy playgrounds for the weekend, the SoCal...
by Lori | Sep 20, 2010 | Green Living
After coughing in bed for days, I decided to finally get some fresh air. All summer long the beaches have been jam packed, no waves and it’s been a bit chilly- I found other things to do. Late Sunday afternoon was warm, sunny, the crowds gone, a perfect time...
by Lori | Sep 16, 2010 | Furniture, Green Building, Green Living, Interior Designers, Uncategorized
Earlier this week I went to an event at Epoxy Green featuring the latest in fully electric cars and product displays of materials that rival anything available at Ann Sacks. Sasha, the owner, has really nailed “glamorous green”. My favorite was the...
by Lori | Sep 13, 2010 | Green Living
Wrapped in ribbon & fabric from an old gift I received, placed in saucers ( left over from a Trader Joe’s dessert) and a Nambe platter , I’m going on week four of these flowers that I bought for 99 cents each to decorate a BBQ party. I’m...