Dwell On Design 2010

Dwell On Design 2010

Unlike 2009, this year’s DOD had a pulse, jam packed with people and product.  The producers and participants  turned up the heat  with every booth more stylish than the next. This year I was asked to speak on two panels: ASID Glamorous Green Secrets and the...
Blue Star and Marcus Samuelsson

Blue Star and Marcus Samuelsson

Last week we were invited to a private event with Marcus Samuelsson and Blue Star Appliances.  The two have recently joined forces to promote restaurant style cooking at home.  It couldn’t have been better timing because we’re designing a kitchen for a...
Organic Cut Flowers

Organic Cut Flowers

A good friend of ours came for the weekend and graciously brought flowers –in addition to croissants, chocolates and a lilac lamby for our little one. She’s fabulous, French, in her eighth decade and cares tremendously for our environment and animals. It...